Commitment to fight corruption

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Commitment to fight corruption

Commitment to fight corruption

Since its inception in 1958, Elecnor and all its employees have been dedicated and wholly committed to doing business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and in compliance with the laws in force in the territories and countries where the company operates; to observing and defending human rights and respecting workers' rights; to conducting themselves with diligence, integrity, and excellence in a professional manner; to caring for the environment; to promoting occupational health and safety: to fighting corruption; and to furthering corporate social responsibility.

This commitment is not optional. Elecnor adheres to the principle of zero tolerance for unethical and dishonest practices and expects its employees and related parties to conduct themselves in accordance with the principles of its Code of Ethics and Compliance Policy.

Elecnor's commitment to fighting corruption and bribery is based on these principles and values and is expressly formulated in the Elecnor Code of Ethics and its Compliance Policy, which state that:

  • Under no circumstances will the personnel of the Elecnor Group or related parties engage in unethical practices that may be viewed as undermining the impartiality, transparency, or probity of decisions taken by the authorities, public officials, persons involved in public service, or any other person outside the organisation.
  • Unethical practices of this kind may include offering or promising gifts, favours, or remuneration of any kind or the existence of any situation arising from personal relationships with the authorities, public officials, or any other person outside the organisation who may be able to influence a decision that could directly or indirectly benefit Elecnor or a third party financially.
  • Elecnor's employees and related persons will not receive, solicit, or accept from, or promise, offer, or grant to, third parties any unwarranted benefits or advantages, for them or for third parties, as a consideration to unduly favour another person or to unduly favour themselves or a third party over another person in buying or selling goods, in procuring services, or in business relationships.
  • For deciding whether or not activity of this kind is criminal, it will be immaterial whether such conduct occurs outside working hours or Elecnor Group premises, whether it is individually financed, or whether it takes place in or outside Spain.

Anti-corruption certificates

The Elecnor Group's Compliance System is the organisation's main tool for fighting corruption and bribery. As a sign of its commitment to this objective, its dedication to continuous improvement and to being a national and international standard bearer in the area of compliance, in January 2018 the Elecnor Group became the first Spanish company in its sector to be certified under the UNE-ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management Systems standard, the foremost and most stringent international certification standard for devising management systems for compliance and fighting corruption. 

Furthermore, in February 2019Elecnor's Compliance System received UNE 19601 Criminal Compliance Management System certification, the touchstone for designing and implementing systems for preventing crime and criminal risk in Spain based on the highest international standards in this area.

Fully transparent communication

All Elecnor employees are required to report any irregular practices or conduct or potential crimes that they are aware of or have witnessed. Elecnor has a procedure for this eventuality that allows all its employees to confidentially communicate, in good faith and without fear of reprisals, any conduct that is not in line with Elecnor's Code of Ethics, the rules on which it is based, policies and procedures that expand on it, or with the law.

Employees in the organisation can also use this procedure to ask questions or propose improvements to existing internal control systems. Any suggestions or questions should be sent to or by post to Apartado de Correos nº 266-48080.