Integrated Management System

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Integrated Management System

Integrated Management System

The Elecnor Group has put in place principles to which it is committed. They direct how the entire organisation operates in matters concerning the Environment, Quality Aspects, Health and Safety, Energy, R&D, and Data Security and serve as mainstays for setting and reviewing objectives to continuously improve the effectiveness of its management systems.

These principles are:

  • Comply strictly with all applicable legislation and other requirements Elecnor abides by in all the markets in which it operates.
  • Customer satisfaction.
  • Do not harm or impair the health of the Group's employees, improving their working conditions, and enhancing their health and safety.
  • Prevent pollution.
  • Use and consume energy efficiently.
  • Ensure that its activities have a beneficial impact on society.
  • Use R&D and innovation to improve competitiveness.
  • Foster effective and efficient safeguards through a dynamic, responsive, discerning, and preventive approach to information use.